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优步在中国不再坚持 与滴滴合并“贝博ball登录入口艾弗森”

时间:2025-02-10 20:57:01 文章作者:BB贝博ballbet 点击:

本文摘要:Uber has agreed to sell its Chinese operations to rival Didi Chuxing, throwing in the towel on its costly battle for the Chinese ride-hailing market.优步(Uber)已表示同意将旗下中国业务出售给竞争对手滴滴上下班(Didi Chuxing),在争夺战中国叫车应用于市场的成本高昂的战斗中低头服输。

Uber has agreed to sell its Chinese operations to rival Didi Chuxing, throwing in the towel on its costly battle for the Chinese ride-hailing market.优步(Uber)已表示同意将旗下中国业务出售给竞争对手滴滴上下班(Didi Chuxing),在争夺战中国叫车应用于市场的成本高昂的战斗中低头服输。Under the terms of the deal, set to be announced in coming days, Didi will acquire all of Uber China’s operations and investors in Uber China will get a 20 per cent stake in Didi, according to two people close to the transaction..据两名知情人透漏,该交易将于几天后发布,根据协议条款,滴滴将并购优步中国全部业务,优步中国的投资者将获得滴滴20%的股份。Didi, which is China’s largest ride-hailing company, will also invest $1bn in an equity stake in Uber’s global business, in a deal that brokers a truce between the two of the most fiercely competitive car-hailing companies in the world.作为中国仅次于的微信应用于企业,滴滴将投放10亿美元大股东优步全球业务,该交易将让这两家全球竞争最白热化的微信应用于企业暂停争夺战。The new alliance will draw an end to a fight that had seen the companies pour billions of dollars into subsidies for passengers and drivers as each sought to gain market share. China legalised ride-hailing just last week, clearing the way for the market to expand further.为夺回市场份额,两家公司已投放数十亿美元补贴乘客和司机,新的拆分协议将完结这场补贴大战。

就在上周,中国将网约车合法化,为该市场更进一步不断扩大扫除了道路。The idea of a tie-up was first aired by Uber chief executive Travis Kalanick more than two years ago when he met Cheng Wei, the founder of Didi, in Beijing. Both Uber and Didi have been on a fundraising spree in recent months, with Didi raising more than $7bn in debt and equity in June. Uber raised $3.5bn from Saudi Arabia’s sovereign wealth fund around the same time. Even as both companies prepared to spend their war chests to fight for market share in China, the unprecedented scale of the fundraising also made clear to both sides how costly it would be to continue the battle.优步首席执行官兹拉维斯卡兰尼克(Travis Kalanick)于两年前在北京与滴滴创始人程维会面时,首次明确提出了拆分的点子。近几个月来,优步和滴滴都经历了融资派对,滴滴通过债券融资和股权融资筹款多达70亿美元,刚好优步从沙特主权财富基金筹得35亿美元。

虽然两家公司都准备好将它们的弹药箱投放到这场中国市场份额争夺战里,但此轮筹资的空前规模也令其双方明白,之后战斗将导致怎样的损失。Discussions about a deal only got serious during the past few weeks, after the fundraisings were complete, according to a person close to the transaction.据这笔交易的一位知情人讲解,拆分谈判在过去几周才坦率一起,就在此轮融资完结后。

However Didi’s new alliance with Uber could prove awkward for Lyft, Uber’s main rival in the US. Didi is an investor in Lyft, and the two companies have linked their apps so that Didi’s Chinese can summon a Lyft car while travelling in the US.不过滴滴与优步的拆分有可能令Lyft——优步在美国的主要竞争对手——陷于失望境地。滴滴是Lyft的投资者之一,两家公司的应用于已展开关联,中国用户在美国旅行时可用于滴滴应用于吓坏Lyft汽车。News of the deal was first reported by Bloomberg News. Rumours of a transaction were widespread on Chinese social media over the weekend, as an alleged draft blog post by Mr Kalanick about the deal circulated online.该交易的消息最先由彭博新闻(Bloomberg News)报导。上周末中国社交媒体上弥漫这关于这笔交易的传闻,一篇所谓卡兰尼克编写的关于交易的博客在网络上流传开来。

Uber declined to comment. Didi did not respond to multiple requests for comment.优步方面不予置评,滴滴也没对此多个置评催促。


